Elewana Collection Guides the way
Elewana Collection Guides the way
Elewana Collection is investing heavily in Guide training to ensure we have the best guides in Africa. We train our current guides on a regular basis to ensure they are at the top of their field, in our continued efforts to make sure guests have a superior experience when they stay at an Elewana property.
In addition, we have just launched our first Guide Apprenticeship Program and the first few have been chosen to be trained, ultimately becoming Elewana Guides. Only an exceptional few who complete the Elewana Apprenticeship Guide Course will be offered employment within the group. This is a two year course covering a number of areas, from the workshop to in-house so they grasp the foundations of what is involved to ensure an exceptional guest experience. Further to that is the guiding itself, which trains them to understand the dynamics of dealing with different guests and managing their individual needs and expectations. There is also the enhanced knowledge of wildlife, habitat and everything that falls under that, including conservation, behaviour and so much more.
Craig McFarlane is Head of Guide Training & Activities and he has an impressive CV with over 27 years’ experience, his knowledge of the Bush is unrivalled with only a few being trained at his level in Africa. Originally from South Africa but he has had the opportunity to work all over Southern Africa. For the past year he has been with Elewana Collection in Kenya and Tanzania training the team of Guides to the highest standards.
In a series of features we will cover the Guide training and Apprentice program in more detail so follow future Newsletters for more information.