Lewa WPY MartinBuzora TheSurrogateMother

Lewa continues to lead the way in rhino conservation with another successive year of record-breaking births. This year, 24 rhino calves have been born on Lewa and Borana to date, a record number, bringing the total number of rhinos to 238. 

With the incredible success of the Rhino Conservation Programme comes an increased need for security, tracking, research, habitat management, and additional vital resources. The poaching threats are ever present and Lewa’s teams remain committed to ensuring the rhinos on Lewa, as well as other critically endangered species, remain safe and can thrive for generations to come. For this reason, Lewa has had to increase the conservancy fees for 2022, which have been adjusted for overnight non-Kenya residents to US$134 including VAT and for Day Non-Kenya residents to US$210 including VAT.