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Elewana Elsa’s Kopje Meru hosts Virginia McKenna

It was our honour and a privilege to host Virginia McKenna this month at Elewana Elsa’s Kopje Meru. On our final evening we had the opportunity to sit with her, as the candles flickered in the lounge, we listened to her tales of Meru, filming Born Free and her life’s work with The Born Free Foundation.

Brilliant on a magnificent scale Meru, with its glorious wide-screen grandeur and sweeping epic landscapes, is one of Kenya’s most celebrated parks, even without the legacy of Elsa the Lioness. Nevertheless, it was Born Free, the bestselling book and subsequent award-winning movie released in 1966 recounting the lives of George and Joy Adamson and Elsa the lioness in Meru that made this park the stuff of Hollywood legend.

Joy and George Adamson were undoubtedly two of the most celebrated champions of wildlife the world has ever known and Elsa the lioness, star of the best-selling book ‘Born Free’ written by Joy, the most famous lion. The book describes raising Elsa after she was orphaned as a tiny cub and the couple’s attempts to teach her how to hunt and survive on her own. Their efforts were ultimately successful, and she was returned to the wild.